DCA Latest Hope For Cancer Cure

Posted by writer on Sunday, October 23, 2011

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Every year brings hope for new cancer drugs to the media forefront, and this year began with praskom.Tvar that was previously used in metabolic disorders has been tested in cultured human cancer cell lines in Petri dishes and mice with cancer and had very promising results.

in the previous paragraph is probably told every year for the past 30 years. First of all, do not expect your doctor to be prescribing this product anytime soon, an experiment with mice is only the beginning of the tests. Anyone who suggests that it will help soon is irresponsible or phony.

Unfortunately, the terminally ill cancer patients do not have the time and will be getting their hopes in vain, it happens every year when the cancer research program makes major news.

substance is DCA or dichloroacetate and it has been tested in cultured cancer cells and mice just released in January 2007 in a respectable journal and respected laboratory in Alberta, Canada headed by Evangelos D. Michelakis.

So why all the fuss? It was years away from helping people even in the best case? Yes, probably, but it does raise some ethical debates and issues of hope.

DCA already been tested in people who suffer from other illnesses (adults and children), so you already know that it is reasonably safe drug to the point. This can potentially save you years of clinical studies and safety hurdles than if DCA is a brand new drug. So very optimistically within one to two years will begin limited clinical studies in humans.

This is a very optimistic, because money is a problem with this drogom.Droga is so cheap to manufacture that drug companies will not make money from it (it can not be patented too, which makes it more difficult for pharmaceutical companies to make money) and has the potential to reduce current consumption expensive chemotherapies if successful. In other words, drug companies will not be funding research to find it on the market, and most of you can probably guess that it takes BA-zillion dollars to fund research. This opens up an ethical debate for pharmaceutical companies to the public, that is, they will hinder the development of useful drugs, if it does not help, and even interfere with their bottom line?

laboratory that produced the results of doing something a little out of the ordinary so far to raise money, they actually seek direct help from the public funds. You can actually make a donation here

This drug also raises other ethical issues. Why not give cancer patients diagnosed a few months of life? There are potentially thousands of patients who have undergone chemotherapy and reached the stage where chemotherapy is no longer useful and that was taken off to die weeks later. There would be no shortage of people willing to sign a waiver to take DCA today.

How can a doctor tell a patient terminally ill with cancer a few weeks or months that they will not prescribe DCA, because it is potentially unsafe or does not have proper administrative approval or has not been shown to ultimately help in enough formal studies?

Well, most doctors will tell you that, but they will tell their hospital or governing Medical Association will not let them. These faceless administrations can hide and delay the request for DCA until they die of old age, let alone cancer, and nobody will be blamed.

is essentially tell their patients to stop the fight against cancer and just accept their death soon, sorry, it's a cold way to put it, but it is difficult to put a good spin on it. It's not that doctors do not worry, it's just accepted the way things are done for decades.

Unfortunately, the current terminal ill cancer patients taken off chemotherapy so that they can die in a few months will have to rely on themselves, relatives and carers at this time.

This is now forcing many non-health professionals to seek DCA on their own. Nobody wants to see trains civilians over cancer therapy duties, but it will happen with this drug as it can be taken orally in a glass of water and is cheap if you get your hands on it. You can buy it at the corner store, but I foresee a great demand to find a way to get out there and some phony, fake DCA will even sell them without a doubt.

Who would have thought of small molecules may have raised the debate on health care business, political, health authority and ethical treatment of terminally ill people.

More aboutDCA Latest Hope For Cancer Cure

Breast Cancer Cure - How to Achieve it by Making Lifestyle Changes

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 20, 2011

treating the cause or causes of breast cancer is far more important than treating the immediate symptoms of apparently. Treating only the symptoms, the growth of cancer cells will simply mask the real underlying problem that will cause a problem for the return or spread to other područje.Pravi medicine will look for reasons why the cancer first appeared, and address these reasons and to allow the body permanently to heal.

of the word cancer scares people, and someone is newly diagnosed with the disease would blindly follow authority without having to stop and use a little common sense. What they need is information on how they can make informed decisions about your best treatment options based on knowledge. There are many facts that are known about breast cancer but is rarely told.

Breast cancer does not just happen, it is the result of something you have done, so it makes sense to be corrected also. To successfully overcome a diagnosis of breast cancer is much more important to look for reasons why this has happened in the first place and address those reasons. When you remove the factors that led to problems in the body's immune system has a natural tendency to treat the cancer will spread or removed without a return.

Our bodies are still trying to heal and that is using our built in repair system that's immune system. Right through the life of our immune system keeps us healthy as it can repair cuts and bruises, broken bones, infections, diseases and cancer. But it needs a little help and only you can do that and that is eating food that has been designed for human consumption and the removal of everyday food products that contributed to the problem.

Breast cancer is the only disease weakens the immune system, which was weakened in the way we live now, especially with our wrong food choices. These are foods that use refined flour and sugar, and spending too much animal fat, salt, caffeine, alcohol i. lifestyle factors may include constant worry, anger, fear, frustration. Also, chemicals that affect us and they are chlorine, fluoride, pesticides, smoking, and all medications. All these factors contribute to breast cancer.

There are only natural ways to boost the immune system and that is to eat freshly grown fruits and vegetables daily, most of which are cancer-fighting properties, make sure you get enough rest and sleep, fresh air, sunshine, exercise and at the end of a positive attitude towards life which is very important.

Breast cancer is a curable disease, but people must take responsibility for their own health center and actively participate in the process ozdravljenja.Promjena in the way you live is important, especially with the food you eat, because all those factors are causes of breast cancer today.

More aboutBreast Cancer Cure - How to Achieve it by Making Lifestyle Changes

A Cancer Cure Resveratrol Researchers Are Hopeful For

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 12, 2011


It has been proven to fight cancer at all three levels: initiation, promotion and progression. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Damaged cells are much more likely to become cancerous than healthy cells.

As a cancer cure resveratrol has been shown to actually stimulate cancer cells to die without compromising the healthy ones. This is an exciting discovery, as well as traditional methods of chemotherapy kills healthy cells too.

pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline this year has put millions of dollars into resveratrol research, so confident about it is that a powerful antioxidant.

of various cancers that can fight involves promising results in breast, lung, pancreas, prostate, and leukemia. In fact, it encourages leukemia cells to commit suicide. According to Professor Shi of the University of Kentucky, which everyone seeks is an agent that has an effect on cancer cells but leaves normal cells alone, and it shows that resveratrol as a cancer cure fits into this category.

We just had an insight into its potential, but the future looks bright for all of this nutrient, the more ground-breaking discoveries to come. Most of the tests so far have been done in mice, and these generally have gone on to be a positive for people.

Another study has shown that it can shut down hundreds of genes that are required for tumor growth. This amazing ability caused one researcher called "biologically specific tsunami." Thus, resveratrol treatment for cancer, but appears as a heavyweight. Experts agree the best way we can incorporate into our lives through a more natural health supplement. In combination with other natural nutrients such as green tea extract and turmeric, its ability to fight cancer, for example, have greatly improved due to synergy of ingredients.

You will also experience many other benefits, including improved memory, increased energy levels and better skin tone, as well as potentially prevent many future degenerative disease.

In conclusion, as a cancer cure resveratrol certainly seems to be the favorite, showing more potential than any other natural ingredient, and we can take advantage of his power now, and hopefully live longer and healthier lives.

If you want to learn more about the synergistic products which I personally, including resveratrol, why not visit my website.

More aboutA Cancer Cure Resveratrol Researchers Are Hopeful For

Part 2 of 2 - The Cancer Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About

Posted by writer

If you have cancer, beginning with vitamin D regimen is very important. This will save your life.

taking less than 4,000 IU of vitamin D a day is too weak, leaving intact cancer. Taking more than 40,000 IU of vitamin D a day is too dangerous, leading to vitamin D toxicity. Therefore, strong and safe cancer cure dosage can range from 10,000 to 20,000 IU of vitamin D daily.

There are additional cancer cure regime include tomatoes and broccoli, red peppers, and you can use with vitamin D regimen. But first, let's look at some things that interact with vitamin D.

Vitamin D interaction

Some drugs interact with vitamin D. A corticosteroid drug such as prednisone, prescribed to reduce inflammation, affect the metabolism of vitamin D. Some weight loss and cholesterol lowering drugs reduce the absorption of vitamin D.

Anti-seizure drug phenobarbital (Luminal), phenytoin (Dilantin), carbamazepine (Tegretol), and fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) activate vitamin D to a certain extent. Antibiotics such as rifampin (Rimactane) also exclude vitamin D to a certain extent.

The following medications, if taken with vitamin D, decreasing intestinal absorption of vitamin D:. Cholestyramine (Questran), colestipol (Colestid), orlistat (Xenical), mineral oil and fat substitute Olestra

an oral antifungal drug ketoconazole reduces blood levels of vitamin D in healthy men, reducing their levels of calcium in the blood. Contrastively, taking vitamin D with thiazide diuretics may raise blood-calcium in the blood.

Some medical conditions interact with vitamin D. Taking vitamin D with hyperparathyroidism, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, lymphoma, adrenal insufficiency, or Crohn's disease can increase blood calcium levels too.

Suppose a drug or medical condition adversely affected with vitamin D. If you avoid taking vitamin D? Not necessarily. Instead you should take vitamin D in your doctor and pharmacist supervision. In fact, you should do so, even if your drug or medical condition does not interact with vitamin D!

tomatoes and broccoli and the CRA

tomatoes have anticancer activity. Tomatoes reduce the level of testosterone, some cancers, like prostate cancer needs testosterone to thrive. Also, the phytochemicals in tomatoes help reduce the cancer.

Just like tomatoes, broccoli is also anticancerous. Broccoli contains sulfur compounds that break down carcinogens.

It is known that tomatoes and broccoli separately have anticancer activity. However, only recently known that when eaten together, they are much more powerful!

Researchers have recently discovered that the tomato-broccoli combination dramatically reduces the cancer, particularly prostate cancer.

include more tomatoes and broccoli in your meal, the better. It's easier than you think. For example, the tomato sauce is the main ingredient in most Italian food. So, all you have to do is add the broccoli - and you have a powerful anti-cancer cocktail

Do you like Caesar salad, Chef salad, Chinese chicken salad, Cobb salad, Greek salad, salad or Michigan? If so, make sure you add lots of tomatoes and broccoli, and say goodbye to cancer.

eaten raw or cooked, tomato-broccoli combination is a powerful anticancer cocktail. In fact, eating tomatoes and broccoli cooked can make your cancer-fighting ingredients more bioavailable.

cayenne pepper and RAK

capsaicin is the active ingredient in cayenne peppers. Capsaicin irritates the animals and people creating a burning sensation at the site of tissue contact.

of the American Association for Cancer Research reports studies capsaicin killed prostate cancer cells by programming to kill. These studies also showed that capsaicin-treated tumors was reduced dramatically in comparison to untreated tumors.

of the University of Nottingham in cancer studies suggest that capsaicin can induce cell death in human lung cancer cells, as well.

In addition to squashing prostate and lung cancer, capsaicin can squash leukemic cancer. For example, there have been studies that show capsaicin by inhibiting the growth of leukemic cells.

Similarly, capsaicin has been found to stunt and kill cancerous bladder cells.

In Thailand, where a lot of spicy food eating, gastrointestinal, colon, and stomach cancers are rare compared to the rest of Asia. In Mexico, where much spicy food eaten, these same cancers are rare compared to the U.S..

Researchers have found that, except for programming the cancer cells to kill, cayenne pepper can damage the cancer cells' membranes and limit their oxygen. And the red pepper selectively target cancer cells.

dose of red pepper

What is the ideal amount of red peppers required for the fight against cancer? According to an herbal specialist Vilhaelm Torvund, the recommended dose for all herbal supplements are as follows:

for the treatment of acute illness, take 500 mg four times daily,

for the treatment of chronic diseases, need 1000 mg four times daily,

for the treatment of difficult chronic or terminal illness, take 1,000 mg eight times a day.

So, if you have cancer, you should take 1,000 mg of cayenne pepper capsules eight times a day. If this is inconvenient, you instead can take 2,000 mg four times daily.

If you have stomach irritation, while taking 2000 mg of cayenne pepper capsules four times a day, then you should instead take 1,000 mg eight times a day.

At the beginning Cayenne regime probably will experience some diarrhea. When your body becomes acclimated to the cayenne, the more you will experience diarrhea.

and buy my bottle of red peppers from the Rite Aid store. They sell high quality brands from GNC. It is important to buy quality red pepper, because low-quality ones may contain harmful impurities.

My only suggestion is that cayenne pepper capsules with food and drink to reduce possible side effects.

cayenne interaction

Cayenne pepper capsules May interact with some prescription medicines. For example, red can increase the effect of warfarin (Coumadin), increasing the risk of bleeding. Also, the Cayenne can increase the absorption rate of prescription drugs in general.

Cayenne pepper capsules May interact with certain medical conditions. Do not take a Cayenne if you are allergic to Cayenne pepper. Possible allergic reaction difficulty breathing, closing of throat, facial swelling, and rash.

It is wise to take cayenne pepper capsules under the supervision of a physician.


Individually, vitamin D, a combination of tomato-broccoli, red peppers and have strong anti-cancer effects - but together, they slap the hardest cancers to surrender! Taking vitamin D supplements, and red pepper, and eat tomatoes and broccoli can call DTBC (vitamin D, tomato-broccoli, and red) plan.

DTBC (vitamin D, tomato-broccoli, and red) plan consists of the following:

# 1:. Take 10.000 to 20.000 IU of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) tablets a day

# 2: Take 2,000 mg cayenne pepper capsules four times daily with food and drink


# 3: Include the tomatoes and broccoli in your obroke.Više to do, the better.

# 4:. Use DTBC plan under the supervision of a physician

# 5: Use DTBC plan with your cancer therapy (eg, radiation, chemotherapy or surgical therapy ).

PS If you've never had cancer, healthy, but want to prevent cancer, you can use DTBC plan. However, there is no need for you to be more than 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily or more than 1,000 mg of cayenne pepper four times a day.

an unusual discovery: delving deeper, I discovered that not only DTBC plan to cure cancer, but also treat heart disease and obesity. Maybe cancer, heart disease, obesity, and somehow they are associated.

common sense:. If you use DTBC plan to treat your heart disease or obesity, should be done under the supervision of a physician

More aboutPart 2 of 2 - The Cancer Cure "They" Don't Want You to Know About

Is There a Lung Cancer Cure?

Posted by writer on Tuesday, October 11, 2011

About 13 percent of all lung cancer is curable, which means that those diagnosed with it survive at least five years. Regardless, all patients with lung cancer may benefit from targeted treatments that can extend lifespan and improve quality of life.

Treatment options for a lung cancer cure depends on the type and stage of cancer. While non-small cell cancer at an early stage can find a cure with surgery alone, small cell cancer at a similar point may require a combination of chemotherapy and radiation and sometimes surgery, as well. In both small cell and non-small cell lung cancer, early stage indicates that the cancer is still localized and has not spread from where it comes from, and later means that the cancer has spread to other organs.

surgery has the potential to cure lung cancer, but only in the early stages in which the cancer has not spread outside the chest. Among the procedures employed to remove the cancer surgically: wedge resection, in which a small portion of the lung, including the tumor was removed, segmental resection, in which most of the lung is removed, lobectomy, in which the entire lobe of one lung was removed, a pneumonectomy, in which the whole lung is removed. However, these procedures are only possible if the patient can tolerate surgery and no additional complications, such as bronchitis or severe heart disease.

Many small-cell lung cancer treated with chemotherapy, either alone or in combination with surgery. This therapy involves taking medicines that kill cells raka.Lijekovi can be taken orally as pills or intravenously through a vein in the arm, and includes multiple treatments over several weeks or months. Patients on chemotherapy should take a break from therapy occasionally to allow their bodies to recover. Although chemotherapy has side effects such as nausea, vomiting and hair loss, it definitely prolongs life and improves quality of life of patients with lung cancer.

Radiation therapy is similar to chemotherapy that targets and kills cancer cells. However, unlike chemotherapy, radiation therapy can work outside the body, using high-powered radiation such as X-rays to kill the disease. Another option is to use needles, seeds, or catheters into the body to channel energy in the vicinity of cancer cells. Sometimes used at the same time as chemotherapy.

Some medicines also exist in the market for the treatment or management of lung cancer. These products work by exploiting abnormalities in cancer cells.

less conventional path to treatment for lung cancer clinical trials. Patients can enroll in these studies and to receive experimental treatments, a good choice for those whose current treatment does not work or have limited treatment options. Every year, hundreds of lung cancer patients enroll in clinical trials, data collected by this survey method is used in the creation of new therapies and treatment of disease. Often, the goal of clinical trials is simply to determine the benefit of one treatment over another.

If all these treatments fail or are not available for treatment, the patient can opt for supportive care, rather than looking for a cure. Instead of harsh or experimental treatments, supportive care can relieve symptoms and comfort of patients, allowing them to make the most of their remaining time without the burden of treatment side effects.

More aboutIs There a Lung Cancer Cure?

Easy Cancer Cure

Posted by writer on Thursday, October 6, 2011

More than 20 years has been much controversy due to the fact that several world-renowned scientist, said that when certain raw fruit seeds are consumed in sufficient quantities, it is almost impossible to develop cancer and that the action will just kill most of the existing cancer cells! One would think that the entire medical industry would be thrilled with such information, but instead, the pharmaceutical industry now require FDA to implement a comprehensive study, to be able to prevent information from getting to the general javnost.Informacije from these studies can be found in the book under entitled "World without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17", Dr. E. Edward Griffin. (I will be discussing are in the book in future posts .)

Vitamin B17, also known as laetrile and amygdalin, is commonly found in fruit seeds, however, it was discovered that apricot seeds the highest concentration of this amazing vitamin. There was even a scientifically established that when someone eats only 7 of these seeds every day, it's almost impossible for the body to develop cancer? This finding was almost exactly parallel to 17th century, the discovery that if someone eats citrus fruits daily, they never develop scurvy. (eg lack of vitamin !)

pharmaceutical and medical industry, and even went so far as to pressure the FDA to make the illegal sale of raw apricot seeds or vitamin B17 with any information about his miraculous healing effect on cancer! Even to this day, you can not buy raw apricot seeds in health food stores, because the FDA attacks on stores of years! But at least now you can order them by the pound via e-mail.

This key information is offered not only as a cancer cure for those who have developed the disease, but also for those who want to prevent cancer development ever in my life!

Most people with cancer clusters in their body after eating apricot seeds on a regular basis, show an almost complete regression of their tumors. After this regression occurs, it is necessary to cancer patients for follow-up with powerful natural herbal formula to regenerate damaged organs of their cancer.

In cases of large cancerous growths in large parts of the body, raw apricot seeds and the concentrated extract (in the form of vitamin B17 and laetrile) may not be able to save the patient, but will prolong your life many times to chemotherapy.

Vitamin B17 is found in most fruit seeds in different stages koncentracije.Sljedeći chart adopted by Rebecca Wood article "Apricot Kernel - Bitter Sweet's" will help you weigh in relation to vitamin B17 potency of various fruit seeds that have become available


nuts and seeds, fruits GRAINS Beans
wild apricot
Bitter Almond

apricot pit of wild blackberries
Wild Cranberry Almond
Apple PIP elder
cherry seed
nectarine seed
pear PIP
plum seed

blackberry flax seed buckwheat chickpea
Cranberry Squash seed millet Fava
boysenberry sheet
currant mung
Logan berry

Note that, although the small seeds of wild apples (crab apples) and wild cherries are superior sources of vitamin B17, larger seeds can be found in today's grocery market apricots, apples and cherries are less powerful. This is because, over time, farmers consistently bred out of a bitter taste to accommodate the "sweet" the tendency of the Western palate.

of apricot seeds the highest concentration of vitamin B17 in the world, I am thoroughly convinced, that despite their bitter taste, they must be integrated into our daily diet equivalent to approximately 7 SEEDS OF A DAY as prescribed, etc., Krebs scientist who discovered vitamin B17 over 20 years!. If you do not have access to the raw seeds, one or two of vitamin B-17 tablets (100 mg) is an acceptable supplemental dose as an alternative.

there is no mystery about the development of cancer medicine as we have been so shamelessly led to believe for all of our lives. We have known how to cure cancer for more than 20 years, but greed is the pharmaceutical industry deliberately keep information from getting to the masses! ... That is, our good health is definitely not in their best interest ... because so much more money in death and disease!

I think it is time for all of us to take control over their own health rather than depend on the medical and pharmaceutical industry, which obviously do not have our best interests at heart!
... What do you think ?....

Thanks for reading ... and ... Here's to your course, good health!

Annie Pierce

More aboutEasy Cancer Cure

Natural Cancer Cures With Natural Enzymes

Posted by writer on Monday, October 3, 2011

Since the number 2 cancer killer in the world with heart disease, I think it is noteworthy to talk about is not it? Personally, I have two close friends who beat cancer to some of the things I talk about in this article.

and friends are juicing and make your own juice. I am a firm believer that this is not just the chemicals in the air we breathe, chemicals in the foods we eat that causes cancer, but also chemicals in our bodies but that they had changed their composition.

If the chemicals we put into our bodies can actually cause cancer. According to Yin Yang theory, then it should be enough to tell us that you install the right chemicals in our bodies should be able to heal our body from cancer. I have two personal friends of mine who have done just that juicing. Both were given only 2 to 3 months to live, and both are still alive and well today.

When you make your own juice are now putting the living cells and enzymes in your body. Not only a good vitamin and excellent food, but living cells with enzymes. To live a drink to heal damaged cells mutate live. Cancer is damaged or deformed cells mutate and divide and invade other tkiva.Normalni cell grows, divides and dies, and were replaced by new ones. Not so with cancer cells.

of cancer cells grow and divide and keep the formation of abnormal deformed cells that have an innate ability to invade other tissues.

Now here's the kicker, the cells become cancer cells because of DNA damage. DNA is found in every cell and controls all actions. Most of the time when DNA gets damaged cells can fix it. If cells can not repair damaged cells to die.

Now, in cancer cells damaged DNA is repaired, and cells are not dying like it should. Instead of the cancer cells go on to create new cells.

is always thinking in the medical profession that the brain can heal itself, but due to stem cell research was reported recently that the brain has the ability to heal itself when the new cell was inserted into the brain. If the brain has the ability through stem cell research to cure cancer why not?

the point I am trying to make my one friend started putting a lot of chlorophyll in your body through juicing carrots, wheat grass, spinach, broccoli, parsley and lots of green vegetables. For some reason, cancer cells hate Chlorophyll Still love dairy products. I have never been able to figure out why I see cancer patients fed dairy drinks in the hospital. Dairy foods cancer, a lot of chlorophyll actually suppresses cancer. I know one individual who has a rare form of cancer and win with seaweed. Go to the CMT, Certified marine technology and see for yourself. This guy turned his entire farm in the seaweed farm.

NASA has always known that the air we breathe is purified by the ocean mist, but only in the last 10 years has come to our attention that due to the algae on the ocean floor that rises upward in the fog of the ocean air that purifies the air we breathe. If Chlorophyll in algae, which can purify the air we breathe much more damaged cells in our body.

Now I have to talk a little more about enzymes here for a moment. Enzymes per se is not living, but they are a protein that is produced by living cells and act as a catalyst in certain biochemical reactions. Like a spark in the engine car, the spark plug itself is nothing but the motor car has the ability to ignite a spark that can get combustion roar at the turn of the key. This is what the enzyme in living cells. She has the ability to bind molecules together or tear them apart.

the point I am trying to do here is to, these minute of proteins, enzymes involved in cellular processes metabollic with the ability to improve response rates between biomolecules. Enzymes can catalyze reactions that would otherwise not be reached, reducing energy-related activity (EA) at a more affordable level stanica.Enzim has the ability to stop going back and forth to stop and turn. Yes thats what I want to do is to stop the cancer cells.

In other words, putting a living cell in your body with enzymes through percolation (live drink) actually changes its rate metabollic basically your metabollism in the fight against cancer.

If you are a cancer survivor and you beat cancer by juicing then I want to write to me please. I am a firm believer in the juicing and raw food diet only organic, of course, is what the cancer patient needs to be putting in their bodies.

Going back to my one friend who beat cancer 10 years ago with only 2 to 3 months to live, he did it through a raw food diet and fruit and vegetable juices. He even makes his milk with organic almond and spring water. He does not use pasteurized milk, whatever. Through the process of pasteurization of enzymes in milk obtained uništena.Enzim loses its ability cataclystic after it is heated past 122 degrees. That is why the raw food diet. When food is heated lose enzymes. Half of the nutritional value is lost to heat food.

Remember what I said earlier that the cells become cancer cells because of damage to DNA and the DNA in every cell and controls all actions. Enzymes are able to redirect our cataclystic molecular structures in our bodies. As I said earlier that they can make a cell forward, turn back around and stop. Wow. This is what I put into my body, something that will make the cancer cells to stop and turn around and die.

I believe that the natural enzymes are one of the keys involved in unlocking cancer debacle. When I say I think the natural enzyme produced by living cells came from the daily food is not something created by a pharmaceutical company.

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