A Cancer Cure Resveratrol Researchers Are Hopeful For

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 12, 2011


It has been proven to fight cancer at all three levels: initiation, promotion and progression. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Damaged cells are much more likely to become cancerous than healthy cells.

As a cancer cure resveratrol has been shown to actually stimulate cancer cells to die without compromising the healthy ones. This is an exciting discovery, as well as traditional methods of chemotherapy kills healthy cells too.

pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline this year has put millions of dollars into resveratrol research, so confident about it is that a powerful antioxidant.

of various cancers that can fight involves promising results in breast, lung, pancreas, prostate, and leukemia. In fact, it encourages leukemia cells to commit suicide. According to Professor Shi of the University of Kentucky, which everyone seeks is an agent that has an effect on cancer cells but leaves normal cells alone, and it shows that resveratrol as a cancer cure fits into this category.

We just had an insight into its potential, but the future looks bright for all of this nutrient, the more ground-breaking discoveries to come. Most of the tests so far have been done in mice, and these generally have gone on to be a positive for people.

Another study has shown that it can shut down hundreds of genes that are required for tumor growth. This amazing ability caused one researcher called "biologically specific tsunami." Thus, resveratrol treatment for cancer, but appears as a heavyweight. Experts agree the best way we can incorporate into our lives through a more natural health supplement. In combination with other natural nutrients such as green tea extract and turmeric, its ability to fight cancer, for example, have greatly improved due to synergy of ingredients.

You will also experience many other benefits, including improved memory, increased energy levels and better skin tone, as well as potentially prevent many future degenerative disease.

In conclusion, as a cancer cure resveratrol certainly seems to be the favorite, showing more potential than any other natural ingredient, and we can take advantage of his power now, and hopefully live longer and healthier lives.

If you want to learn more about the synergistic products which I personally, including resveratrol, why not visit my website.

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Mariam said...

I was diagnosed with cervical cancer 10 years ago – While i was pregnant! As you could imagine, my pregnancy was stressful and i was ordered to bed rest.I couldn’t get any treatments for the cancer because i was “with child.” After the birth of my healthy son,i had surgery to remove part of my cervis and underwent radiation treatments, which made me extremely ill –So i have to look to the Internet for my last hope ,then i say a testimony about how DR OLORUN helped Douglas from her problem so i contacted Olorun because there are so many scams on the Internet having the same email address like Dr Olorun, to confirm if it was true which he is a true healer. , thank goodness.I contacted him immediately for help,so he cast a spell just like a miracle i was healed. I went to see my doctor for confirmation guess what my cancer was no more in me he said.All thanks to you the great spell caster and healer for saving my life i am in tears of joy.i advise you out there with any illness or crisis should contact him now.Description; Email him anytime on: Olorunoduduwaspiritualtemple@gmail.com or call him on: +2348165219949

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