Natural Cancer Cures With Natural Enzymes

Posted by writer on Monday, October 3, 2011

Since the number 2 cancer killer in the world with heart disease, I think it is noteworthy to talk about is not it? Personally, I have two close friends who beat cancer to some of the things I talk about in this article.

and friends are juicing and make your own juice. I am a firm believer that this is not just the chemicals in the air we breathe, chemicals in the foods we eat that causes cancer, but also chemicals in our bodies but that they had changed their composition.

If the chemicals we put into our bodies can actually cause cancer. According to Yin Yang theory, then it should be enough to tell us that you install the right chemicals in our bodies should be able to heal our body from cancer. I have two personal friends of mine who have done just that juicing. Both were given only 2 to 3 months to live, and both are still alive and well today.

When you make your own juice are now putting the living cells and enzymes in your body. Not only a good vitamin and excellent food, but living cells with enzymes. To live a drink to heal damaged cells mutate live. Cancer is damaged or deformed cells mutate and divide and invade other tkiva.Normalni cell grows, divides and dies, and were replaced by new ones. Not so with cancer cells.

of cancer cells grow and divide and keep the formation of abnormal deformed cells that have an innate ability to invade other tissues.

Now here's the kicker, the cells become cancer cells because of DNA damage. DNA is found in every cell and controls all actions. Most of the time when DNA gets damaged cells can fix it. If cells can not repair damaged cells to die.

Now, in cancer cells damaged DNA is repaired, and cells are not dying like it should. Instead of the cancer cells go on to create new cells.

is always thinking in the medical profession that the brain can heal itself, but due to stem cell research was reported recently that the brain has the ability to heal itself when the new cell was inserted into the brain. If the brain has the ability through stem cell research to cure cancer why not?

the point I am trying to make my one friend started putting a lot of chlorophyll in your body through juicing carrots, wheat grass, spinach, broccoli, parsley and lots of green vegetables. For some reason, cancer cells hate Chlorophyll Still love dairy products. I have never been able to figure out why I see cancer patients fed dairy drinks in the hospital. Dairy foods cancer, a lot of chlorophyll actually suppresses cancer. I know one individual who has a rare form of cancer and win with seaweed. Go to the CMT, Certified marine technology and see for yourself. This guy turned his entire farm in the seaweed farm.

NASA has always known that the air we breathe is purified by the ocean mist, but only in the last 10 years has come to our attention that due to the algae on the ocean floor that rises upward in the fog of the ocean air that purifies the air we breathe. If Chlorophyll in algae, which can purify the air we breathe much more damaged cells in our body.

Now I have to talk a little more about enzymes here for a moment. Enzymes per se is not living, but they are a protein that is produced by living cells and act as a catalyst in certain biochemical reactions. Like a spark in the engine car, the spark plug itself is nothing but the motor car has the ability to ignite a spark that can get combustion roar at the turn of the key. This is what the enzyme in living cells. She has the ability to bind molecules together or tear them apart.

the point I am trying to do here is to, these minute of proteins, enzymes involved in cellular processes metabollic with the ability to improve response rates between biomolecules. Enzymes can catalyze reactions that would otherwise not be reached, reducing energy-related activity (EA) at a more affordable level stanica.Enzim has the ability to stop going back and forth to stop and turn. Yes thats what I want to do is to stop the cancer cells.

In other words, putting a living cell in your body with enzymes through percolation (live drink) actually changes its rate metabollic basically your metabollism in the fight against cancer.

If you are a cancer survivor and you beat cancer by juicing then I want to write to me please. I am a firm believer in the juicing and raw food diet only organic, of course, is what the cancer patient needs to be putting in their bodies.

Going back to my one friend who beat cancer 10 years ago with only 2 to 3 months to live, he did it through a raw food diet and fruit and vegetable juices. He even makes his milk with organic almond and spring water. He does not use pasteurized milk, whatever. Through the process of pasteurization of enzymes in milk obtained uništena.Enzim loses its ability cataclystic after it is heated past 122 degrees. That is why the raw food diet. When food is heated lose enzymes. Half of the nutritional value is lost to heat food.

Remember what I said earlier that the cells become cancer cells because of damage to DNA and the DNA in every cell and controls all actions. Enzymes are able to redirect our cataclystic molecular structures in our bodies. As I said earlier that they can make a cell forward, turn back around and stop. Wow. This is what I put into my body, something that will make the cancer cells to stop and turn around and die.

I believe that the natural enzymes are one of the keys involved in unlocking cancer debacle. When I say I think the natural enzyme produced by living cells came from the daily food is not something created by a pharmaceutical company.

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